In Pursuit of ...

While lazily browsing across the internet, I came across this book extract from internationally acclaimed author Manju Kapoor`s latest book "A Married Woman". It is to be noted that Manju Kapoor, is one of the authors who had criticised authors like Salman Rushdie, for their depiction of India, without proper research. So it is with some excitement that I started reading it. Though the title sounds familiar, as I kept reading the extract, I found in it an hidden inherent freshness of subject. An interesting insight and a bird`s eye view into the minds of the Indian middle class.
A Married Woman is the story of an artist whose canvas challenges the
constraints of middle-class existence. A beautifully honest and seductive story
of love, set at a time of political and religious upheaval, A Married Woman is
for anyone who has known life’s responsibilities.
At times, reading extracts satisfy the thirst of reading a particular work, at times it aggravates the thirst... I guess, it is one of those times, when my thirst has multiplied.
Will try and get my hands on it..was just trying to figure out what to read next and your post hopefully has solved that!
@velu : Oh!,Okay, I`ve never read any of her works before. Velu, please dont take my word alone for it, Do read the extract and see for yourself
@priya : Anytime.. You`re Welcome!! :)
@Has to be me : Anytime, Thanks for dropping by!
@Starry : Yeah, me too, didn`t hear of it, before, but liked the extract a lot, so recommending it!
//At times, reading extracts satisfy the thirst of reading a particular work, at times it aggravates the thirst... I guess, it is one of those times, when my thirst has multiplied.
@Anoop : yeah try it, after reading the extract.. if you like it ;-) Thanks for dropping by.!
@Marutham : Well, after all that hard work, you must chill out with a book for this vacation! :)
@Gaurav : Yes, but don`t go by my word alone. :) perspectives differ.
@Dew drops :I read about the author only recently. Looking forward to read your review on your book blog :)!
will definitely check out..
@a country fellow: :) yeah for me too, some books are like that!, especially the sci-fi ones..
@Palani : Hi da.. I knew you`ll do something like this.. and believe I some how do finish my work.. :)
@arzOOn : I just love crazy frog.. so cute it looks.. :) Yes you sure must.! what`s P2P BTW ? jus wondering.. !