Smitten In Trance.

"Midsummer Eve" - Edward Robert Hughes
What mystery do you conceal
In the black of your fluttering eyes
What magic spells have you cast
In your smile, that weakens me so.


Why does the moon fade away
To my lost spirit`s inner sight
When nights are full of light
And days are just another day



Why do my legs hop like mad
Ears filled with music, slow and sad
In a life so calm and straight
Why the turbulence and love of fate

Streams trickle, merge and flow
Flowing steadily towards the sea
In a rush as we meet and faces, glow
Will we flow along, truth to the dream be.



Do my eyes betray me, my dear
As I stare wide-eyed sans fear
As you walk past me, silent and clear
All notions of loss, illusions mere


Hovering above, the white clouds below
The world cries "Wake up, you fool!"
Hold my hand, lest reality dawns, my love
I shall die in here, in trance, my love.


Hey...U have put mr in a trance too.
"What mystery do you conceal
In the black of your fluttering eyes"

Love this line the most...This is a great poem Srijit!! Just awesome and so simple but so awesome!
starry said…
Love this poem. just beautiful..God! you write so well.

The world cries "Wake up, you fool!"
Hold my hand, lest reality dawns, my love
I shall die in here, in trance, my love.

Just awesome and the pics to match.
Movie Mazaa said…
I love the way u have interwoven those lovely pics with the soulful lines!

Smitten alright...thts me!
Priya said…
Your words and pictures go together.

An another great poem from you.
srijithunni said…
@Scribblez : Hi Scribblez, Thanks a lot for your appreciation. I guess your poems inspired me, to write this one. :) Thanks for that!

@Starry : I`m so glad you like it. Yes and I kept pics, so that there is a visual effect on the words. :)Thanks a lot for your appreciation.

@Velu : That`s a nice profile pic buddy. Nice to know that you liked the post. :)

@Priya : Thanks priya. Thanks a lot for your appreciation.
Reshmi said…
heyy..the poem is a wonderful figment of imagination..:)..thtz how it sounds to me..
Has to be me said…
Lovely poem srijith. Looks like u r bitten by the love bug?! ;)
srijithunni said…
@Reshmi :Yes!, it is a figment of imagination.. like a dream.. Thanks for your words of support.

@Natasha : All our dreams transport uu to mystical realms and fantasies which we long for dont they, natasha ?

@Has to be me : no.. on the contrary, the love bug hasn`t even flown past me yet.. I wish it did..! :)
passerby55 said…
"As you walk past me, silent and clear "....

the way i see the sun set into the sea...
How it slowly stepped ...
the burning,
the brightness
disappeared ...

Reading i was with my wide eyes...
but was in a trance ...

It was a wonderful feeling!
Lovely poetry indeed!
Scoot said…
that was a mysterious poem.Looks like you are floating across something called Looooove..:)
srijithunni said…
@Passerby55 : Wow!, you write beautiful lines, in appreciation.. I am truly humbled..
Thanks a lot passerby..

@Maya : No!. I would have loved to say yes, but No maya seriously this was just a dream :)

@Natasha : Thanks for stopping by to share your thoughts :)
Marutham said…
Endha ViSHayam..Eee poem post SeinJu?? :) Love bite??

:) I wasnt able to access blogs untill today!! So had missed some of ur earlier posts:) Btw, i have got the results of 6th SEM :D
And i have posted few more songs..This time English Poems. I hav etried and composed tune for them all....
srijithunni said…
@Marutham : No Love Bite dear. Just a dream like expression of love. :) Congrats on getting a very good result. Hard work never fails to pay. Keep it Up! and shall check out your songs soon..

@Gaurav: Hi Gaurav, Been a long time. Thanks for your appreciation. Have Fun!
Scoot said…
Well,Dreams do come true ;)
Goooooooooood heading........
droppping in after a while

Well written sir :)
srijithunni said…
@Maya : Yes.. Dreams do come true.. and they will. Thanks Maya, for that boost

@Sreejith :Thanks for the appreciation, buddy..

@Marthyan : This is just my small tribute to you, Marthyan.. After all, you`re the master of Love Poems.
monsoon dreams said…
simple,flowing,beautiful poem.
waiting for more...
srijithunni said…
@Monsoon Dreams : Thanks a lot for your appreciation..! Shall write soon.

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